Today's the day! I've decided to make a lifestyle change. I'm no longer going to make excuses for why I can't work out. There's always an excuse, right?
I've come to a point where I'm extremely unhappy with my body. I'm no longer comfortable in my own skin. I'm lucky. I have an amazing husband that loves me the way I am. He just wants me to be healthy. I also went through a pretty traumatic experience last year, it was very hard on me emotionally and physically. My husband thinks it caused a combination of mild depression and a lot of stress. Whatever it was, my body felt it and looked it.
I'm tired of looking at photos of skinny people and other people that have lost weight. I thought, if they can do it so can I! And I am. I'm going to do it. Starting today, I have made the decision to change my mind and my body! I'm going to document my progress so I can be held accountable. If I quit, you are allowed to slap me! (not too hard, though) Starting Monday, I have already signed up for spinning classes and Pure Barre. Between the two, I am committed to changing my mind, body and spirit to get in shape and get healthy.
Who wants to join me?